Every month or two depending on how much time I have I plan on releasing a new technique. This months technique is the counter to the arm bar counter. Being a smaller martial artist and jiu jitsu practitioner, I typically find that when I am executing a move if I don’t react correctly and rely on technique I end up in very bad positions (room for error is smaller). Take the arm bar for example, most of the time when a smaller person goes for an arm bar from the top position, regardless if they do it as technical as possible, they often times end up getting reversed and stacked. I will post video’s later on some ways to prevent this, for now let’s talk about about what to do when this happened.
So you have worked extremely hard for the arm bar and you secured it only to have the person reverse their position, come up on top and stack you. Rest assured not all is lost. Please watch the video, and if you have any questions stop by your nearest affiliate for answers!! (j/k you can ask me)